Tristan Perich

qsqsqsqsqqqqqqqqq [2009]Performed by David Broome, Lorna Krier and the composer, April 21WebsiteMyspaceTristan Perich is inspired by the aesthetics of math and physics. The challenge of elegance provokes his work in acoustic and electronic music, and physical and digital art. WIRE Magazine describes his compositions as "an austere meeting of electronic and organic." His work has been performed internationally by ensembles including Bang on a Can, Calder Quartet and Ensemble Pamplemousse at venues from the Whitney Museum and Issue Project Room to Zipper Hall. The Village Voice calls his circuit-in-a-CD-case album, 1-Bit Music, "technology and aesthetic rolled into one." His new circuit album, 1-Bit Symphony, a long-form electronic composition in five movements, will be released by Cantaloupe Music this Spring. He was awarded in 2009 by Austria's Prix Ars Electronica, and was commissioned by Rhizome for an audio installation with 1,500 speakers. In 2009, Perich had a solo exhibition of his visual artwork at bitforms gallery in New York, and will do a residency this Spring at Mikrogalleriet in Copenhagen.

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