Christopher McIntyre

Monuments (Crystal) [2010] (World Premiere)MATA Sound Works April 20-22WebsiteNe(x)tworksTILT Brass

Christopher McIntyre leads a multi-faceted career in the contemporary arts as a solo and ensemble performer, composer, and curator/producer. The diversity of his activities led Time Out New York to note that "...with every passing week, trombonist-composer Chris McIntyre becomes more central to the new-music experience in New York." He performs on trombone and synthesizer in a variety of settings that often incorporate improvisation within notation. Current projects include leading TILT Brass and 7X7 Trombone Band , and collaborative efforts such as Ne(x)tworks. His trombone skills have been utilized in groups such as SEM Ensemble, Flexible Orchestra, The Knights, and the Darmstadt series, and in composer-led projects of Zeena Parkins, David First, Michael Schumacher, Elliott Sharp, Charles Waters, Jonathan Bepler (w/ Matthew Barney), and Anthony Coleman. Recordings of his performance work can be heard on New World, Tzadik, and Mode Records, and on In his composing, McIntyre has experimented with conceptual elements such as spatialization, recontextualized notated material, and improvisative strategy, along with ideas of scale, symmetrical pitch constructions, and self-similarity. He has contributed work to the repertoire of TILT (Brass Band and SIXtet), Ne(x)tworks, 7X7 Trombone Band (for choreographer Yoshiko Chuma), Flexible Orchestra, and B3+ brass trio. He has created original music for filmmaker Redmond Entwistle (Monuments) and visual artist José Alvarez. Beyond performing and creating music, McIntyre is active as a curator and concert producer. He is currently Artistic Director of the MATA Festival , and frequently presents independent projects at venues including The Kitchen, Issue Project Room, and The Stone (June 2007). Visit for more info.

Soundtrack for quartet music: part 2[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/McIntyre_Quartet-Music2_sndtrk_ex.mp3"][/audio]