Missy Mazzoli

Orizzonte [2005]Performed by Lisa Moore, April 21WebsiteMissy Mazzoli was recently deemed "one of the more consistently inventive, surprising composers now working in New York" by the New York Times. Her music has been performed all over the world by the Kronos Quartet, eighth blackbird, the Minnesota Orchestra, the South Carolina Philharmonic, NOW Ensemble and many others. Upcoming projects include a performance by the American Composers Orchestra, and performances of her chamber opera, Song from the Uproar, at Bard College and on the New York City Opera's VOX series. She is the recipient of three ASCAP Young Composer Awards, a Fulbright Grant, and grants from the Jerome Foundation and the Barlow Endowment. In 2006 Missy taught beginning composition at Yale University, and is now very very happy to be Executive Director of the MATA Festival in New York City.

Orizzonte[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Mazzoli_ORIZZONTE.mp3"][/audio]