Michelle Lou

Weeds, Grass, Rock, Slope [2009]Performed by Argento Chamber Ensemble, April 22Michelle holds degrees in double bass and in composition from UC San Diego. Additional studies include the Conservatorio G. Nicolini in Piacenza and the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Graz, the latter as a Fulbright Fellow. Michelle has had her music performed by ensemble ascolta at Donaueschingen Musiktage and Wien Modern and by Ensemble SurPlus at concerts in the US and Germany. She has been invited by the Arditti Quartet to participate in workshops in Blonay, Switzerland culminating in a performance at the 2010 Darmstadt Ferienkurse. Michelle is currently a doctoral student at Stanford University studying with Brian Ferneyhough.

Reeds, Grass, Rock, Slope[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Lou_weedsgrassrockslope_revision_1stperformance1.mp3"][/audio]