Filippo Perocco

Veglia [2010] (World Premiere)Performed by L'Arsenale and Argento Chamber Ensemble, April 22WebsiteL'ArsenaleFilippo Perocco received his degree in Composition at the Conservatory in Venice. Awarded in different competitions, he has been Composer in residence at the European Centre for the Arts “KunstForum Hellerau” in Dresden (2006), Italian Arts Fellowship – Composer in residence at the American Academy in Rome (2008), Fulbright (2009). Works commissioned and performed by Holland Symphonia, Dresdner Sinfonikern, Young Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra, Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, Orchestre National de Lorraine, Orchestra Filarmonia Veneta, Ensemble Vocal Modern, IXION ensemble, Vokalensemble Neue Musik Berlin, ensemble Aleph, Accroche Note, Algoritmo, KAIDA, ASTRA Choir, COROinCANTO, broadcasted by NPS Holland, Radio Belgrado, SBS Melbourne, BBC Radio 3, Polski Radio and premiered in different festivals as Gaudeamus, Venice Biennale, Manca Nice, Aspekte Salzsburg, MATA Festival New York Finestre sul ‘900, Zèppelin Festival Barcellona, Rencontres Musiques Nouvelles Lunel, The New London Wind Festival, International Review of Composers Belgrade, The Brighton Festival, Astra Concerts Melbourne, Warsaw Autumn. He studies orchestral conductorship with Emilio Pomàrico at the International Academy of Music in Milan and Sylvain Cambreling at the EuropaChorAkademie in Mainz. He is the founder and artistic director of the ensemble L’Arsenale. His works are published by ArsPublica and Doblinger.

corti e di varia ricreazionePerformed by L'Arsenale[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Perocco_Filippo_corti_e_di_varia_ricreazione.mp3"][/audio]