Alexander Sigman

Mi(e)s(e)-En-AbîMe II [2007] (World Premiere)Performed by Argento Chamber Ensemble, April 22WebsiteMyspaceEnsemble Modelo 62

Alexander Sigman (b. 1980) is currently in the dissertation phase of the doctoral program in Music Composition at Stanford University, having studied primarily with Brian Ferneyhough. He has pursued further post-graduate study with Chaya Czernowin at the University for Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (2007), and attended the one-year intensive course of the Institute of Sonology at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague (Netherlands) during 2007-2008. Prior to Stanford, Sigman obtained a BM in Music Composition and a BA in Cognitive Sciences from Rice University. Since 2007, he has been Co-Editor of Search Journal for New Music and Culture ( and Managing Director of Ensemble Modelo62 (

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