Paul Swartzel

Honky Tonk Toccata [2009]Performed by Lisa Moore, April 21MyspacePaul Swartzel is a composer and pianist from Raleigh, North Carolina currently in graduate school at Duke University. His music has been performed by such people as the Duke New Music Ensemble, eighth blackbird, Evan Ziporyn, Todd Reynolds, and Katie Geissinger. Among his honors include 2 ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer Awards. He attended the Bang on a Can Summer Festival in 2008 and the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival in 2009. His research interests include the music of Oliver Knussen, the Eighties, and the history of entrance music in professional wrestling. Paul likes to think that his music is not in bad taste but rather about the perception and appreciation of bad taste.

Honky Tonk Toccata[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Swartzel_HonkyTonkToccata.mp3"][/audio]