Fabian Svensson

Singing and Dancing [2008]Performed by the Calder Quartet, April 20WebsiteFabian Svensson is a composer based in Stockholm, Sweden.His music has been performed by ensembles such as Ensemble Klang in the Netherlands, Sentieri selvaggi in Italy and the Calder Quartet in the USA. In 2005, Fabian co-founded KROCK, an ensemble of electric guitars. For this group he has written a number of pieces, the most ambitious to date being Tillvaratagna effekter, an hour-long modern-day “concerto” for violin soloist and an expanded version of the ensemble, with a line-up of 2 recorders, 2 melodicas, 6 electric guitars, 2 bass guitars and timpani.Three times, in 2002, 2006 and 2007, works by Fabian have been shortlisted for the Dutch, prestigious Gaudeamus prize. In 2008 he was chosen as the winner of the Carlsbad Music Festival Composers Competition, and in 2009 he won the 2nd UnCaged Toy Piano Competition.Besides composing, Fabian is active as a melodica player, often playing melodica parts in his own works.

Singing and Dancing
[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Svensson_Fabian_SingingandDancing.mp3"][/audio]