Matthew Wright

Totem for Gobi - New York for interactive audio and video [2010] (World Premiere)2010 MATA Festival CommissionPerformed by the composer and special guest improvisers, April 19MATA Sound Works April 20-22WebsiteBlindmanMatt Wright (Born 1977, Norwich, UK) works as a composer, turntablist and sound artist at the edges of concert and club culture. Erosion, non-linear networks, the idea of music 'at the edge of collapse' and the dialogue between 'stillness' and 'speed' are recurrent themes in his work and he has collaborated with artists as diverse as Evan Parker, Ensemble Klang and The Percussion Group of Hague and worked in venues such as Abbey Road studios and Tate Modern (London), De Ijsbreker (Amsterdam) and Bunkier Stzuki (Krakow). His output is available on a number of labels and has been streamed online, broadcast on BBC Radio 3 and ABC Classic FM (Australia), London’s Resonance 104.4FM and the UK’s Channel 4 television. This 2010 MATA commission forms the first part of the Totem Project, a series of large scale works to be created for organizations and ensembles in New York, The Hague and Brussels.Improvisation with Evan Parker, saxophone[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Wright_withEvanParker.mp3"][/audio]