Daniel Wohl

Glitch [2009]Performed by the Calder Quartet, April 20WebsiteMyspaceDaniel Wohl is a Paris-born composer who writes for a variety of instruments that range from computers and slide whistles to orchestras, chamber ensembles and string quartets. He has been commissioned and worked with artists such as Vicki Ray, Eighth Blackbird, the California E.A.R Unit, Calder Quartet, TRANSIT, NY Youth Symphony, Dither, Mantra, Da Capo, St Luke’s Chamber Ensemble, as well as the American Symphony Orchestra amongst others, and his music has been heard at venues such as Carnegie Hall, Symphony Space, Disney Hall's Redcat, Chelsea Art Museum, Mass MoCA, the Dia Beacon, and on PBS. Upcoming projects include a large scale work for TRANSIT commissioned by Meet the Composer, a piece for 4 electric guitars and 4 percussionists commissioned by the Dither and Mantra quartets, and a multi-media instrumental song cycle commissioned by the Jerome Foundation. Daniel currently lives in Brooklyn, and teaches courses in composition and theory at Sarah Lawrence College.

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