
www.larsenale.comFounded in Treviso by young musicians and composers under the artistic/musical direction of Filippo Perocco, L'Arsenale aims to bridge the divide between writing music and making music, between conceiving a sound and the gesture needed to produce that sound, between the lifetime of a sound and the space it lives and dies in. A special feature of the group is its flexibility, easily changing personnel in its keenly attentive explorations of the new work coming from young composers in the vast field of contemporary music.From its inception, L'Arsenale has devoted much of its activity to commissions and first performances of new music. To date the group has given world premiéres to more than thirty pieces, working in close collaboration with composers such as Andrew Byrne, David Lang, Michael Gordon and Camille Roy, and thanks also to the cooperation of international organizations such as Sacem - Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique.The ensemble's objective is to explore the languages belonging to the world of modern and contemporary music through its extensive repertoire, which stretches from the historical avant-garde of Messiaen, Stravinsky and Schönberg to composers such as Ligeti, Berio, Stockhausen, Morton Feldman and Toru Takemitsu, and takes in the minimalism of Louis Andriessen, Terry Riley and Steve Reich, and the sound researches of Salvatore Sciarrino, Gerard Grisey, Iannis Xenakis and Giacinto Scelsi.Collaborating with various associations, the group has taken part in numerous contemporary music festivals, such as Metaarte, cZ95 in Venice, ‘Compositori a Confronto' in Reggio Emilia and many others.In 2007 it performed in the 52nd Venice Biennale.From its foundation L'Arsenale has been resident ensemble at the Teatro delle Voci, as well as collaborating with Fabio Vacchi in his composition classes at the Accademia Musicale Villa Ca' Zenobio, both in Treviso.In 2008 it also worked with a composition course organized by the Kairòs association and given by Riccardo Vaglini.There are concerts programmed for the near future in collaboration with two major institutions in Rome, the Goethe Institute and the American Academy, and with the German Centre for Venetian Studies in Venice.