Wet Ink Ensemble

The Wet Ink Ensemble is a New York-based new music collective. Its repertoire is diverse, ranging from scores of rigorous notational complexity to indeterminate and improvisational music; from the American experimental tradition to the contemporary European avant-garde; from acoustic to amplified to electronic works to works for homemade instruments. The Wet Ink Ensemble has performed works by composers such as Ablinger, Feldman, Ferneyhough, Furrer, Hurel, Bernhard Lang, Lucier, Murail, Nono, Reich, Rzewski, Sciarrino, Tenney, and Wolff, and premiered works by emerging artists like James Fei, Hikari Kiyama, Alex Mincek, Randy Nordschow, Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri, James Saunders, Oliver Schneller, Kate Soper, Charlie Wilmoth and Eric Wubbels.