Talea Ensemble

Photo by Beowulf SheehanThe Talea Ensemble has been labeled “...a crucial part the New York cultural ecosphere” by the New York Times and has given many important world and US premieres of new works by composers including Pierre Boulez, Tristan Murail, James Dillon, Pierluigi Billone, Hans Abrahamsen, Stefano Gervasoni, Marco Stroppa, and Fausto Romitelli. The Talea Ensemble has performed at the Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt, Wien Modern, Contempuls, Spectrum XXI Festival, Nevada Encounters of New Music (NEON), La Ciudad de las Ideas (Mexico), Art Summit Indonesia (Jakarta), and the International Contemporary Music Festival of Lima, Peru. Radio broadcasts of performances have been heard on ORF (Austria), HRF (Germany), and WQXR’s Q2.  As an active collaborator of new music Talea has joined forces with the Austrian Cultural Forum, Consulate General of Denmark, Korean Cultural Service NY, Italian Cultural Institute, and the Ukrainian Institute.  Assuming an ongoing role in supporting and collaborating with student composers, Talea has served as ensemble in residence at Harvard University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Ithaca College, Cornell University and New York University. Talea has recorded works on the Living Artists Label, Gravina Musica, Tzadik, and a forthcoming release on New World Records. Recently commissioned composers include Anthony Cheung, Christopher Trapani, and Georges Aperghis.  For more information, please visit www.taleaensemble.org