Martin Grütter


Martin Grütter was born in Trostberg/Germany in 1983. From 2004 to 2012 he studied composition at the Academy of Music "Hanns Eisler" in Berlin with Hanspeter Kyburz, as well as electronic music with Wolfgang Heiniger. Performances of his works took place at concerts and festivals in Europa and Asia by leading musicians like Ensemble Modern and Ensemble Intercontemporain.

He was awarded several prizes, so in 2007 at the composition competition "In memoriam György Ligeti" and at the Hanns Eisler Award for composition and interpretation of contemporary music, in 2010 at the international composition contest of the MusikTriennale Cologne and at the Mahler composition contest, Vienna. He received scholarships by the Academy "Opera today" of Deutsche Bank Foundation (2010–12) and the International Ensemble Modern Academy (2011/12).

Martin Grütter's music deals with virtuosity, performance, irony, madness, rhythm, and speech. His compositions comprise solo, ensemble, and vocal pieces, music theatre and electronic music. He lives and works in Berlin.