Marina Poleukhina

Marina Poleukhina is a composer, improviser and performer, graduated at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory with V. Tarnopolski. From 2015 she studies at the Kunstuniversit t Graz with C. Gadenst tter. She participates in many festivals such as: Platforma (Moscow), Pythian Games (St. Petersburg), Time of Music (Viitasaari) Multiversal (Berlin, Copenhagen), Path Festival (Verona), Pilot: Soundkarte (Berlin), Velak (Vienna), Strenge Kammer sessions in Porgy and Bess (Vienna), Echoraum (Vienna). In 2014 she is the finalist at the Gaudeamus Muziek Week.

As improviser she played with Matthias Bauer, Alexander Chernyshkov (duo “O I O”), Dario Fariello, Kirill Shirokov (duo [t]), Hilary Jeffrey, Vladimir Gorlinsky, Hannes Dufek. She recorded several albums as "Puinen Neon Itku", "Songs about trees". She is the organizer of the concert series “real time music” dedicated to improvisation. In collaboration with composer Alexander Chernyshkov and dancers, choreographers Hygin Delimat, Sonia Borkowicz was created a project “when they travel at the speed of light, ALONG the light...” Her music is played by ensembles like MCME (Moscow contemporary music ensemble), Vertixe Sonora Ensemble, Nadar, Platypus, Pro Arte, NoName, Looptail, Zwerm E- Guitarquartet, Nostri Temporis; musicians: Pete Harden, Susanna Borsch, Alexandra Topalidi, Ivan Bushuev. Some of her music is published on the labels Pan y Rosas, Topot, da_sein_rec.