Jenny Beck

JennyBeck-headshotJenny Beck grew up in rural Pennsylvania where the sounds of the woods stirred her imagination at a young age. She went on to study composition at the Peabody Conservatory and Rutgers University.Jenny’s work often uses text fragments as a point of departure for establishing musical ideas. The mood of the text provides a basis for the character of the piece during the composing process, and in turn serves as an entryway into the piece during the listening process.In 2012, Jenny was a Composition Fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center, and participated in the Kaija Saariaho and Anssi Karttunen Professional Training Workshop at Carnegie Hall. In 2011, she was the top prizewinner at the HighSCORE Music Center summer festival.Jenny is currently composing music for dance in collaboration with the New York-based company ChEckiT!Dance. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Composer BioJenny Beck