Eric Wubbels

[audio:07 Viola Quartet (2007_8).mp3|titles=Viola Quartet]Eric Wubbels is a New York-based composer and pianist, and ExecutiveDirector of the Wet Ink Ensemble. Wubbels's music has been presentedat concerts and festivals in Europe, Asia and the U.S., by groups suchas the Kammerensemble Neue Musik--Berlin, I.C.E., Talea Ensemble, LeftCoast Chamber Ensemble (San Francisco), mmm… (Tokyo), and The Knights.As a performer, he has appeared at venues ranging from Carnegie Hall'sWeill Hall and the MoMA (NYC) to Monday Evening Concerts (L.A.), theContempuls Festival (Prague), the Kitchen, Roulette, and the Stone. Hehas recorded for hathut, Spektral, Albany Records, Carrier Records,and Quiet Design.From 2009-2011 he taught as a Visiting Professor at Amherst College,in Massachusetts. He is a 2011 MacDowell Colony Fellow.

Composer BioEric Wubbels