Charlotte Mundy

BIOSoprano Charlotte Mundy specializes in music that is new, daring and sublime. She has been called a "daredevil with an unbreakable spine" (SF Classical Voice). Recent performances include a set of music for voice and electronics presented by New York Festival of Song, described as "an oasis of radiant beauty" by the New York Times; John Cage's Songbook and Julius Eastman's Macle with SEM ensemble in Poland and NYC; Xenakis' Akanthos with Ensemble Échappé in NYC;  Brandon Chow's Regnvejr i Skoven  with New Music Concerts in Toronto; and Henning Christiansen's fluxus-era opera Dejligt Vejr i Dag with Apartment House in NYC and Copenhagen. She acted and sang in A Star Has Burnt My Eye at the BAM Next Wave Festival and has danced while singing the music of Morton Feldman and Kaija Saariaho with New Chamber Ballet. She has given critically acclaimed performances of Pierrot Lunaire, Le Marteau sans Maitre and Three Voices. Mundy "slays the thorniest material like it's nothing" (WQXR) with TAK ensemble at venues such as the Library of Congress, Stanford University, Cluster Festival and the Music Gallery; she sings stratospheric microtonal lines with Ekmeles vocal ensemble at venues including The Metropolitan Museum and The Kitchen; she also performs regularly with the Brooklyn Art Song Society, including Messiaen's Poemes Pour Mí, Saariaho's Quatre Instants, and the world premiere of Kurt Rohde's It Wasn't a Dream.  In August 2020, Mundy's new surround sound/light/wind/smell installation, Light as a Feather, will be presented at the Harvestworks house on Governor's Island.

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