Jason Thorpe Buchanan

PHOTOGRAPHER: Fondation Royaumont

 PIECEThe End of Forgetting (2020) - World premiere BIOJason Thorpe Buchanan is an American composer of operatic, orchestral, chamber, and intermedia works that explore multiplicity, intelligibility, and the integration of live performance with technology. He is Artistic Director of the [Switch~ Ensemble], and Department Chair/Lecturer in Composition, Music Theory, and Electroacoustic Music at the College of Music, Mahidol University in Thailand. He has been commissioned and widely sought internationally as a guest composer and lecturer by ensembles and institutions such as Alarm Will Sound, Talea Ensemble, Interface (DE), Nikel (Israel), Linea (FR), Insomnio (NL), EXAUDI (UK), Slagwerk Den Haag (NL), Eklekto Percussion (CH), Mivos, Iktus, Blue Water Chamber Orchestra, wild Up, the Eastman Musica Nova Ensemble, TACETi (Thailand), the University of Chicago, Stanford University, UT Austin, TRANSIT Festival (Belgium), Portland State University, Tzlil Meudcan (Israel), University of Northern Colorado, Chamber Music Campania (Italy), and the Bergen Center for Elektronisk Kunst (BEK) in Norway. Scenes from his multimedia opera Hunger received performances at Darmstadt, The Industry’s FIRST TAKE (L.A.), and MATA (NYC) with the [Switch~ Ensemble]. Honors include a Fulbright Fellowship (Hamburg, Germany), nomination for the Gaudeamus Prize, fellowships, residencies, and commissions from Royaumont (2016 & 2017), the International Horn Society, AiR USF Verftet Bergen (Norway), American-Scandinavian Foundation, the Embassy of Foreign Artists, Geneva (Switzerland), Earle Brown Music Foundation, ASCAP Morton Gould Award (2014 & 2015), Howard Hanson Orchestral Prize, and winner of Iron Composer. He served for three years as Executive Director of the VIPA Festival (Spain), and holds a Ph.D. from the Eastman School of Music. www.jasonthorpebuchanan.com 

Composer Bio 2020