Andrew Greenwald

On Structure II [2010] (World Premiere)Performed by Ensemble Pamplemousse, April 21WebsiteAndrew Greenwald (eend3ru: gri:nwald) 1. v. producing work which satisfies fascinations with the extremes of duration, density, texture, and their collective absence. 2. n. a composer who has been programmed by The Vancouver Jazz Festival, DUMBO Art Under the Bridge, Darmstadt Essential Repertoire of the Avant-Garde at Issue Project Room, HI-Fi New Music, the International Supercollider Symposium, and the 2010 MATA Festival among many others. 3. v. finishing a graduate degree in the composition program at Wesleyan University while working with advisor Alvin Lucier.

JEKUPerformed by Jessie Marino, cello and Kiku Enomoto, violin
[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Greenwald_JEKU.mp3"][/audio]