Alex Dowling

 PIECEReality Rounds (excerpts) (2019) - NY premiereBIOAlex Dowling is an Irish composer and producer based between New York and Dublin. His current work involves repurposing autotune and other vocal effects to create strange and otherworldly extensions of the voice. Recent work includes the release of an album of electronic vocal works, Reality Rounds, on Carrier Records and a collaboration with director Blanka Zizka and visual artist Rosa Barba for the show ‘There’ at the Philadelphia Fringe Festival 2019. His music has been performed by the Irish RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra, Crash Ensemble, Prism Saxophone Quartet, orkest de ereprijs, and Mivos String Quartet, and has been featured at festivals including Bang on a Can and the Young Composers Meeting, Netherlands. He has also written music for theater and laptop orchestra, and his audiovisual installation Bodysnatcher was exhibited at the Eyebeam Gallery, NY and toured many other countries. Dowling was recently named a MacDowell 2020 Fellow and an artist-in-residence at the UCross Foundation in Wyoming. Awards include the ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer Award, Jerome Hynes Composer Award, and the West Cork Chamber Music Composition Award. He has an MPhil in Music & Media Technology from Trinity College, Dublin and studied composition as a PhD fellow at Princeton University.

Composer Bio 2020