Metalathon MATA Festival Event, MATA Festival Event 2001January 25, 2001David Demnitz, Frances White, Gamelan Son of Lion, Gee-Bum Kim, Jeffrey Lependorf, Lou Harrison, Patrick Grant
Rococo-mo MATA Festival Event, MATA Festival Event 2001January 23, 2001C- Bryan Rulon, David Crumb, Igor Stravinsky, Jacqueline Jeeyoung Kim, Lansing McLoskey, Melissa Hui, The New Millennium Ensemble
Solitary Confinement II MATA Festival Event, MATA Festival Event 2001January 21, 2001Barbara Strozzi, Carla Kihlstedt, Greg Wilder, Kotoka Suzuki, Kristin Norverdal, Lisa Bielawa, Peter Askim, Randall Woolf