Audio Post: Lainie Fefferman's "Tongue of Thorns" and Jascha Narveson's "Vectors"
To give you a taste of some of the work that Dither has done with young composers in the past, I thought I'd post a few tracks that we recorded last summer at the studios at Princeton University . These are two of our favorite Dither pieces by Lainie Fefferman and Jascha Narveson. While they have very different approaches, both of these pieces are truly devoted to the the pallet of sound that could only be produced by four electric guitars. Aside from being amazingly talented, Jascha and Lainie have been incredibly supportive of us, and they have really become part of the Dither family.These are early mixes of two tracks from our upcoming EP which we hope to finish in the next few months. I don't want to give away too much about the pieces, but I might suggest that both of these tracks would be best experienced when played LOUDLY, listening with headphones or on a nice speaker system.Thanks for checking out this page and hope to see you next week at the show! - JamesJascha Narveson - VectorsVectorsLainie Fefferman - Tongue of ThornsTongue of ThornsRecorded by Dither 7/08