Sampo Haapamäki

Photo Credit: Maarit KytoharjuSampo Haapamäki has composed a double concerto, two concertos, three chamber orchestra works, compositions for mixed choir and tape, violin and live electronics, concert band, big band, and chamber music. He had a composition recital in Musica nova Helsinki festival in 2006, and was the Tapiola Sinfonietta's Composer-in-Residence for the season of 2011-12.Haapamäki studied composition at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki with Tapio Nevanlinna (1998-2002) and Veli-Matti Puumala (2002-05) and graduated as a Master of Music in 2005. In the winter semester 2006-07 Haapamäki studied with Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig. He has studied composition with Tristan Murail (2005-06, 2007-09) in the city of New York at the Columbia University, from where Haapamäki obtained his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in 2012. He took part in a composition and music technology course, Cursus 1, at IRCAM in Paris, Grégoire Lorieux as his tutor, during the academic year 2012-13.

Haapamäki has received the Gaudeamus International Composers Award 2004 in Amsterdam, and the ISCM - Young Composer Award 2005 in Zagreb. In 2006 he was granted the Teosto prize by Copyright Society Teosto in Helsinki. He was also a finalist at the Queen Elisabeth Competition for Composition in Brussels 2003. Haapamäki is a member of Ears Open Society, Columbia Composers, and Society of Finnish Composers.
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