Ryan Beppel

Receptive Asphasia [2010] (NY Premiere)Winner of New Voices project,Philadelphia chapter of the American Composers Forum(Selected in collaboration between MATA, Argento, and ACF Philadelphia)WebsiteRyan Beppel (b. 1987 Philadelphia, USA) is a guitarist, improviser and composer studying at Columbia University. While at Columbia, he has studied composition under Fabien Levy, Tristan Murail, and Arthur Kampela. His interests include alternate systems of temperament, spectral harmony and improvisation within structured composition. He was recently chosen to participate in a special reading of a new orchestral work performed by members of the American Composers Orchestra and the New York Youth Symphony.  He made his Miller Theatre debut with Columbia Classical Performers premiering a piece for string quartet. His music has been performed by Talea Ensemble, Counter Induction and fourbythree.  Graduating from Columbia in May 2010, he hopes to pursue graduate studies around the world.Receptive Asphasiaperformed by Argento[audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/Beppel_Receptive_Asphasia.mp3"][/audio]