Preshish Moments (Michael Carter)

Preshish Moments (Michael Carter) makes music, builds electronics and creates max/msp patches. He plays live electronics with Tyondai Braxton, is inZeena Parkins‘s trio Zeena and the Adorables, is half of the creative energy behind Peptalk, programs for Dan Deacon, performs his own solo work, releases solo albums on Mochipet‘s label Daly City Records, and has had his music performed by the chamber ensemble Alarm Will Sound.All of the music that he writes and the max patches that he builds are focused on the live performance of electronic music. Electronic music has become extremely prevalent in composition but still needs to make a great deal of progress when it comes to live performance. This progress will not be achieved by formulating lofty concepts and creating bizarre unwieldy instruments, but rather by making thousands of small refinements where the rubber meets the road, in live performances for disparate audiences.

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