Nicolai Worsaae

NicolaiWorsaaeNicolai Worsaae born 1980, studied composition from 2002-2010 at The Royal Danish Academy of Music with professor Bent Sørensen and Hans Abrahamsen and further studies abroad at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz with professor Beat Furrer from 2008-09. Nicolai Worsaaes music has been performed by some of the finest ensembles specialized in contemporary music such as Ensemble Intercontemporain, Ensemble Recherche, Arditti string quartet, London Sinfonietta, Oslo Sinfonietta and has worked as composer in residence for the danish Ensemble Figura from 2013-15. He’s one of the founders of the composers collective Dygong (2005-) and Pliiingg (2010-). Both groups work with alternative ways of curating and making concerts, searching after new and experimental forms in order to present contemporary music in an always surprising context.

Composer BioNicolai Worsaae