Natacha Diels

Natacha Diels

Natacha Diels is a flautist, composer, and performance artist from New Mexico. She founded the experimental chamber group Ensemble Pamplemousse and has been its executive director since 2002; and is one-half of the performance duo On Structure.Natacha's music has been performed by across the United States by Pamplemousse, On Structure, Yarn/Wire, Ekmeles, JACK quartet, SEM ensemble, The Treble Girls (Anne la Berge and Diamanda Dramm), Ensemble Adapter, and the Maria Stankova. The MATA Festival, Subtropics XXI, Twelve Nights, AMODA, the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, and the Bar Harbor Music Festival have also presented her music around the country. While in Europe, it has been presented by the Rotation Series for New Music and Sonaar Quartet. Natacha can be heard as a flautist on New World Records (with Christian Wolff) and as flautist and composer on Carrier Records (with Pamplemousse). She holds a BM in flute performance from NYU, a MPS from the ITP program at Tisch School of the Arts (NYU), and is currently in her fourth year of pursuing a DMA in composition from Columbia University, where she also teaches Intro to Digital Music.

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