Milica Djordjevic

djordjevic_milicaMilica Djordjević (1984, Belgrade, Serbia) graduated composition from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, where she also finished studies of Sound and Music Recording and Production. She finished postgraduate specialist studies in composition at Conservatoire National de Region de Strasbourg in the class of Ivan Fedele (2007-2009) and graduated with honours. She continued her professional accomplishments in Paris, where she was enrolled in composition and computer music Cursus1 at IRCAM (2009/10).Currently, she is finishing postgraduate studies at HfM Hanns Eisler in Berlin, in the class of prof. Hanspeter Kyburz.Apart from this, she has attended various composition master classes, courses and festivals. Djordjević collaborates with eminent ensembles and performers such as the Arditti Quartet, musikFabrik, Neue Vocalsolisten, ensemble Alternance, ensemble l'arsenale, Luca Pfaff, Jean Deroyer, Sylvio Gualda, Francesco Dillon, and the Orchestre National de Lorraine.She has been awarded numerous prizes and awards (The Winner of the 8th TICF 2012, the Nikola Tesla Award 2012, First Prize at the ISA05, the Third Prize at the 12th YCM Apeldoorn, Prize of the City of Strasbourg 2008, Finalist of the StaubachPreis competition in Darmstadt 2008, The Alfred Toepfer Scholarship, Scholarship for talents of the Serbian Government 2008, selected for the ISCM World New Music Days 2011, and nominated for the April Prize of the City of Belgrade.)Djordjević's music has been performed and broadcasted in Europe, Asia and the US.Since 2011 she is member of Klangnetz association in Berlin and the Knowledge Committee of Serbia.