Mauricio Pauly[audio:02 Clinamen Clinamen Clinamen.mp3|titles=excerpt from Clinamen Clinamen Clinamen|artists=Joe Brent - mandolin, Lidia Kaminska - accordion, Jen Curtis - violin, Margaret Dyer - viola] Mauricio Pauly's (b. Costa Rica, 1976) music has been performed in England, Germany, France, Hungary, Russia, Paraguay, Spain and the United States by ensembles including the JACK Quartet, the Ikarus Chamber Players, Tres Americas Ensemble, New York Miniaturist Ensemble, Juilliard Pierrot Ensemble, Iturriaga Quartet and Psappha Ensemble. Pauly is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Manchester. He has previously studied in San José, Miami, Boston, The Hague and Budapest with Fredrick Kaufman, Lukas Foss, Richard Cornell, Ricardo Climent and Andrea Szigetvari. Mauricio was awarded the Staubach Honoraria for a new work which was premiered in Darmstadt, 2010. He has attended festivals such as the Bartók Seminar, Acanthes, Darmstadt and Impuls. His music was performed at the recent 2011 ISCM World New Music Days in Zagreb. Past awards include the Esther Kahn Career Entry award 2004, the Pablo Sorozabal Composition Competion 2005 and the Budapest Clavicembalo Foundation Composition Prize 2005 He has been funded by the Bliss Trust, the Solti Foundation, PRS Foundation UK and the University of Manchester. As a performer Mauricio has toured and recorded extensively as a bass guitarist. He lives in Manchester, UK and teaches at the Royal Northern College of Music.

Composer BioMauricio Pauly