Lisa Streich


Lisa Streich, born in Norra Råda, Sweden in 1985, studied Composition and Organ in Stockholm, Berlin, Paris, Salzburg and Cologne with, among others: William Brunson, Adriana Hölszky, Johannes Schöllhorn, Mauro Lanza, Margareta Hürholz and Ralph Gustafsson. Master classes with a.o. Chaya Czernowin, Brian Ferneyhough, Steven Takasugi and Hanspeter Kyburz complete her musical education. Her works have been performed on stage in Sweden, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Israel, Canada and the US and have been broadcast on Swedish, German and Czech radio. Her music has been played by Quatuor Diotima, Ensemble SurPlus, Nouvel Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Recherche, OENM and Stockholms Kammarkör at Taschenopernfestival Salzburg, ICMC, Ircam, Acanthes, Deutschlandfunk, Cologne Cathedral, Acht Brücken,  the Swedish Radio, and among others. She held a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and Cité des Arts and the Kungliga Musikaliska Akademin. In 2013 she was a beneficiary of the Anne-Sophie Mutter Fund, the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, and the recepient of the Busoni Förderpreis of the Academy of Arts in Berlin.
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