Francesco Filidei

[audio:Filidei-Ballata-18.06.2011.mp3|titles=Ballata]Francesco Filidei is a graduate of the Conservatory of Florence and the CNSMDP of Paris where he received first prize in composition. Both as a composer and organist he has been invited in festivals and halls including the Berlin Philarmonic, the Wiener Theaterhaus, the Venice Biennale, the Monaco Biennale, IRCAM, Suntory Hall of Tokyo, the Auditorim National di Madrid, Archipel of Geneva, the Auditorium RAI of Turin. Several portrait concerts of his music have been presented in Japan, Italy, France, Germany and America. He has taught at the Abbey of Royaumont, at Iowa University, the Academy of Takefu, University of Santander, and he has been composer in residence at the Academy Schloss Solitude di Stuttgart and the Casa de Velazquez of Madrid for two years. He has received many awards, including the Musikpreis Sazburg Förderpreis 2006, the Takefu International Prix 2007, the Siemens Förderpreis 2008, and the Picasso-Miro' medal 2011 UNESCO. He will be Pensionnaire in Villa Medici for 2012. His works are published by RAITRADE.