Eli Keszler

[audio:Eli Keszler Cold Pin.mp3|titles=Cold Pin]Eli Keszler is a New York City based composer/ artist. In performancehe plays percussion and guitar along with his installations that usemechanically struck, extended strings with ensemble and scores.Eli has toured throughout Europe and the US, performing solo and withartists such as Phill Niblock, Joe Mcphee, Loren Connors, Tony Conrad,Jandek, Roscoe Mitchell, Anthony Coleman, Keith Fullerton Whitman, TModel Ford and Ran Blake. He has recorded for labels such as Type,ESP-DISK' and PAN.  His Oxtirn release was named as a record of theyear from Wire Magazine and The Boston Globe.  He received a featureon NPR All Songs Considered in 2011. His installations have appearedat the BCA (Boston), Nuit Blanche and the Shreveport MSPC festival.He was an artist in residence with Ashley Paul at Issue Project Room(2009).  He is a graduate from New England Conservatory in Boston.

Composer BioEli Keszler