Daniel Wohl

Photo Credit: Shawn BrackbillParis born and New York based composer DANIEL WOHL draws on his background in electronic music to create pieces that “blur the line between electronic and acoustic instrumentation and seemingly melt both elements into a greater organic whole” (WNYC) His work has been called “vivid, engaging” (New York Times), ”provocative and surprising” (NPR), “beautiful…original” (Pitchfork). In 2013 Daniel made his New Amsterdam Records debut with Corps Exquis, a multi-media, chamber and electronics project created in conjunction with the TRANSIT new music ensemble and a collective of New York-based video artists. The album, featuring guest appearances by Julia Holter, Aaron Roche and So Percussion, appeared on a number of year end lists including NPR’s for best song and WNYC for best album.Upcoming projects include a new work commissioned by the Bang on a Can All-Stars, a percussion piece commissioned by the Barlow Endowment; an upcoming release of Daniel’s string quartet with electronics by the Calder Quartet; a piece for percussion quartet and string quartet commissioned by Mantra Percussion and the Mivos Quartet; a film score for Tar, produced by James Franco, featuring Franco, Jessica Chastain and Mila Kunis; In the past few years Daniel has worked with ensembles such as the American Symphony Orchestra, Albany Symphony Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony, the Calder Quartet, Eighth Blackbird, New York Youth Symphony, So Percussion and has shared bills with electronic artists such as Dan Deacon, Laurel Halo, Julia Holter, and Son Lux. His work has been presented at venues such as Carnegie Hall and Webster Hall, Dia Beacon, Mass MoCA, the Chelsea Art Museum, Warhol Museum and on festivals including the MATA Festival, the Bang on a Can Marathon, the Ecstatic Music Festival, River to River, Gaudeamus (Amsterdam), NordKlang (Switzerland), as well as over media outlets such as NPR, PBS, WQXR, CANAL +, TFI and FRANCE 2.Daniel’s work has support from grants including Meet the Composer/Commissioning Music USA, the American Composers Forum / Jerome Foundation, C.A.P, the Barlow Endowment, MET Life Creative Connections, and the Brooklyn Arts Council as well as awards from the Finale National Composers Competition, the Society for New Music, four ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer Awards, Music Now, ASCAP Plus, NY Look & Listen, Music IX, and the Definiens Project among many others. Also active as an educator, he has taught courses in composition, orchestration, and theory at Sarah Lawrence College and at Yale. A classically trained musician, Daniel holds degrees from the Yale School of Music, Bard College and the University of Michigan, studying with composers David Lang, Martin Bresnick, Joan Tower, Ingram Marshall, Aaron Kernis, Bright Sheng, and William Bolcom.  

Composer Bio