Bjørn Erik Haugen

REGRESS [2008]MATA Sound Works April 20-22WebsiteMy name is Bjørn Erik Haugen, and I have an MA from the National Academy in Oslo 2007. I work mainly with photo, sound and video installation. I work from a conceptual platform where the idea to the work comes before the material, media or way of expression. I make political works.My intention is that my works shall make the viewer reflect and discuss the specualtive and spectacular of what we see on the screens and surfaces that surrounds us in our daily life, with that I mean everything from commercial boards, banners, internet and computer games to TV and video.My works has been shown on the annual national autumn exhibition in Norway, and have been screened in Wienna, Barcelona, Sweden, Germany, England and in USA. The National TV Channel in Norway, NRK, has also shown an excerpt of one of my videos on TV.I held my first soloexhibition at the Photogallery in Oslo in December and attended a sound art exhibition at Henie Onstad Art Center November 2008. I will have three solo exhibitions in Norway and Sweden in 2009/2010.