Antony Maubert

Antony Maubert[audio:RELIGION DU TRAVAIL mp3 sample.mp3|titles=RELIGION DU TRAVAIL]Antony Maubert started studying the clarinet at the conservatoire of Clermont-Ferrand while continuing scientific studies. Finally choosing music, he obtained a master of musicology, graduated from the department of music theory at the conservatoire of Lyon, and then attended the Conservatoire National Supérieur of Paris. During his studies he gained experience in various jobs : telephone operator, piano salesman, barman, music teacher, car washer, night auditor, door-to-door salesman, and school proctor.A fund from SACEM allowed him to study at the Ateliers UPIC (founded by Iannis Xenakis) where he focused on electronic music with Gérard Pape, Julio Estrada and Jean-Claude Risset. A few years later he received the SACEM prize, and taught computer music from 2006 to 2010 at  the conservatoire of Nice. He currently lives in Madrid.His work covers a wild range of musical aspects : instrumental and electroacoustic composition, improvisation, fixed media work, live electronics, interactive sound installation, performance, stage and short film music.His music is often a theater of analysis and deconstruction of modern society. His work Ce qui aura fait notre solitude (a reflection on men and science confronting nature), Religion du Travail (his first piece in a trilogy dedicated to mediatic and political discourse), and Insomniac (describing the acceptance of daily ordinary violence) are examples of the evocative strength of his work.His installation work generally confronts borderless spaces, cross-cultural hybridity and identity.

Composer BioAntony Maubert