Alexander Khubeev

Alexander Khubeev Alexander Khubeev was born in 1986 in city Perm (Russia). He graduated from Moscow Tchaikovsky Conesrvatory in 2011 (class of composition of Yuri Kasparov, class of electronic composition of Igor Kefalidis), now he is a post-graduate student of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory.Alexander Khubeev took part in International Academy of Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble in Tchaikovsky city (2011, professors – Pierluigi Billone, Franck Bedrossian). Attended master classes given by Russian and foreign composers such as Beat Furrer, Ivan Fedele, Chaya Czernowin, Mark Andre, Klaus Lang, Helmut Zapf, Martijn Padding, Simon Steen-Andersen, Tapio Tuomela and others.Alexander Khubeev won awards in Italy, USA, Russia and Ukraine. His music is played in concerts and at festivals held in Italian, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Cyprian, US, Russian and Ukrainian cities (“Diaghilev Festival”, “Other Space”, ”Contrasts”, ”Moscow Autumn”, “Le Notti Ritrovate”, “Pharos International Contemporary Music Festival”, ”Moscow Forum”, “Venice Biennale”, “Gaudeamus Musicweek”, “Quandensprunge”).His compositions were played by such performers and ensembles as Guido Arbonelli, ExNovo, Vertixe Sonora, Aleph, Illinois Modern Ensemble, IEMA, Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble, The Studio for New Music Ensemble, Percussion ensemble of Mark Pekarsky, GAM-ensemble, eNsemble, Ensemble Nostri Temporis, String quartet Cantando and others.Some of his compositions published by P. Jurgenson Publishing House (Russia) and Per caso sulla piazetta Edizioni (Italy). His music is broadcasted on radio France Musique, ARTxFM (USA), Radio of Russia and others.Composer in residence of GAM-ensemble in 2011. Member of Russian Composer's Union.

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