I / O
Data Garden with Greg Fox and Friends
The Median Movement
Fan Letters
Glich Lich
Saturday, March 7, 2015 | 7.00 pm
Museum of the Moving Image | 36-01 35th Avenue, Astoria, NY 11106
MATA Interval presents I/O, an evening of multimedia performance on Saturday March 7th, 7:00pm at the Museum of the Moving Image, curated by Alex Nathanson and Will Owen. Through dance, multi-continent internet-enabled improvisation, homemade instruments, and the natural electronic network of the body, sound and sight is linked in an evening that engages the complex interacting systems that are the host for modern life. Glitch Lich, The Median Movement, Fan Letters, and Data Garden with Greg Fox and Friends join forces to present ambient, electronic, and electroacoustic works that tackle the centrality of networks in our lives and aesthetics.
Glitch Lich
New Work
The Median Movement
Room Moving
Fan Letters
Constant Crisis
Two out of Three
Data Garden with Greg Fox and Friends
Body Area Network